team members putting their hands together

Community Involvement

Being a community bank means much more than providing local financial products and services. It's also about being part of the communities that we serve. Bank of Lake Mills is very proud to support many local organizations and charities. Check out our donations and sponsorships below.
Giving Tuesday Logo
Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. For the past 12 years, hundreds of millions of people around the world have been inspired to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.  Join the global community movement and celebrate all acts of giving. 

2023 Giving Tuesday Donations: 

Bank of Lake Mills donated $10,000 from November 27th through December 1st to eight charities that are near to our employees' hearts.
Donations were decided on by a poll on our social media pages, and the community picked their favorite charity.
Donation Results:
Cornerstone of Grace ($2,000)
Sunrise Reach ($1,500) & Watertown Humane Society ($1,500)
Rainbow Hospice ($1,250) & Tomorrow's Hope ($1,250)
Watertown ROC ($1,000) & Humane Society of Jefferson County ($1,000)
Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central Wisconsin ($500)

Thank you all for voting and making Giving Tuesday 2023 a success! 

2022 Giving Tuesday Donations:
Bank of Lake Mills worked with the counselors within the Lake Mills and Watertown school districts to fill the clothing needs of their students.
Over $1,500 in clothing items were donated: a dozen pairs of boots, seven pairs of tennis shoes, ten winter coats, and various sizes of gloves and hats went to
the elementary schools. The Watertown School District received $250 in gift cards to be distributed to families in need, and clothing and food items were bought for
the Lake Mills High School from their wish list.

As part of our Giving Tuesday pledge, a poll was posted on the Bank of Lake Mills' Facebook page to allow members of the community to vote on which charity should receive a $1,000 donation. The other charities received a $500 donation.

Poll Winner: Haus of Peace - $1,000 donation
Humane Society of Jefferson County - $500 donation
Jefferson County Literacy Council - $500 donation
Rainbow Hospice - $500 donation

Bank employees turned into cheerleading superstars, rallying for the elementary school children at their annual Fun Run! The Fun Run is organized by the elementary school PTO to raise funds for the school.
Bank employees volunteered at Riverfest in Watertown selling wristbands and tickets to festival attendees. In addition to volunteering, employees also brave some hills in the Riverfest 5k. Despite the challenging terrain, it was a beautiful day to support Watertown Area's YMCA annual campaign!
The weather was perfect as Ty, Peter, Bridget and Debbie golfed in the Lake Mills Booster Club golf outing. 
Bank of Lake Mills is happy to sponsor the Ice Cream Social at the Octagon House again this year.
Bank of Lake Mills donated a collection of personal finance books to Watertown Public Library. These books are aimed at empowering individuals with the knowledge to manage their finances effectively.
Dave, Bridget, and Jake had a great day at the Watertown Chamber of Commerce golf outing. It was beautiful weather, great camaraderie, and even some fun prizes were won!
Bank of Lake Mills was happy to support "Stuff the Squad" to benefit Haus of Peace by donating needed supplies at the City of Lake Mils Police Department's "Night Out Against Crime." 
Bank of Lake Mills had the opportunity to sponsor the spring season of Girls on the Run. Lana and Amanda have been volunteer coaches for several years. Girls on the Run inspires girls to recognize and embrace their inner strength with lessons, implementing a community service project and completing a 5k at the end of the season.
Bank of Lake Mills is once again honored to have supported the Watertown Police Department's Bike Rodeo on June 22nd. This event gives young bicycle riders the opportunity to learn the rules of the road for bicycles in a safe environment.
Bank of Lake Mills is honored to support the Watertown Humane Society as the Dog Kennel Sponsor with a $5,000 donation toward their shelter renovation project.
Employees enjoyed golfing in the Legendary Lake Mills golf outing. Employee, Debbie, hit a hole-in-one during the golf outing! 
Bank of Lake Mills is proud to support Lake Mills High School's The Mill as a Gold Sponsor for the 2024/2025 school year!
Employees tried their hardest but were "lapped" by all the dogs in the Furry Friends 5K! Proceeds raised by this event benefit the Humane Society of Jefferson County to support area homeless and rescued pets. 
Employees helped deliver an assortment of household essentials, personal hygiene products, high demand food items, and a monetary donation to the Lake Mills Mill and Watertown Gosling Nest.
Employees took time out of their workdays to clean up three parks in Lake Mills and Watertown - The Millpond Trail, Bartels Beach, and Brandt-Quirk Park.
Bank of Lake Mills was honored to be a Shamrock Sponsor at Lakeside Lutheran High School's annual Grand Event fundraiser. Eight employees attended and had a "grand" time!
Bank of Lake Mills employees volunteered their evening at Bread and Roses in Watertown to serve a delicious taco dinner to the community. Bread and Roses provides a free meal to anyone who attends and is supported by volunteer and monetary donations.
Employees enjoyed running the Watertown Jig Jog 5k. The Bank donated $500 to Watertown Jig Jog to help support the Educational Foundation of Wisconsin.
Employees put 25 financial literacy books into Little Free Libraries around Lake Mills and Watertown to celebrate National Read Across America Day. 
Bank of Lake Mills employees (and one significant other) had a blast participating in the Watertown Humane Society's Furry Feud event as the Cash Cows. 

Bank of Lake Mills was proud to present LLHS and LMHS with checks for the 2023 Mascot debit card usage. Lakeside debit card users earned $1,382.79, and Lake Mills debit card users earned $1,761.22.

As a bonus, one student from each school was given the chance to make a half court shot to double their school's donation. Lake Mills' student sunk the basket, doubling their donation to $3,522.44!

December: Bank of Lake Mills donated funds to the Marine Corps League in support of their memorial addition, coming in 2024. Visit Aero Park to check out this stunning tribute! 

November 2023: Bank of Lake Mills is honored to support our veterans by donating to the VFW & Legion posts in
Watertown in honor of Veteran's Day. Thank you to all of the brave veterans who have sacrificed so much for our country!


November 2023: Bank of Lake Mills is proud to donate to the Lake Mills Aztalan Historical Society to help offset the costs of relocating and preserving the downtown Veteran's Mural. We are fortunate to have this mural to beautify our community in honor of all veterans!

October 2023: Bank of Lake Mills is happy to sponsor improvements to the Lake Mills disc golf course. New baskets were purchased as well as a sign featuring the course overview.

September 2023: Bank of Lake Mills sponsored the entry fee for all attendees of the "Slider Bowl" football game between Lakeside Lutheran and Lake Mills High Schools and handed out swag at the gate to fans.
Congratulations to Lakeside for their victory this year!
August 2023: Bank of Lake Mills sponsored the Watertown Historical Society's annual Ice Cream Social and 1st Brigade Band Concert in September. The community is invited to attend this decades-long tradition!
April 2023: Employees enjoyed attending Lakesides Lutheran High School's Grand Event as one of the Bronze Sponsors. 

April 2023: Employees gathered after work to make Jared Boxes for The Jared Box Project to donate to local hospitals. The boxes were filled by employees with various toys, games, and stickers to entertain children who are in the hospital. 

two women holding a check
November: Bank of Lake Mills donated to the Watertown Senior Center to help support the work they are doing. 

November 2022: In honor of Veteran's Day, Bank of Lake Mills worked with Wisconsin Women For Our Troops to 
collect donations from bank employees to help fill care packages for our troops serving overseas.

donation check with group at LMHS
November 2022: Bank of Lake Mills donated to The Mill at Lake Mills High School to help provide food and hygiene products to students.

Fall 2022: Bank of Lake Mills worked with the Watertown Police Department and the Lake Mills Public Schools
to donate 300 backpacks to children throughout the two communities. 

August 2022: Dee Delkamp donated her time to come and educate our employees on the importance of nutrition.
A donation was made in her name to the Watertown Humane Society.

Summer 2022: Brought the opportunity for Bank of Lake Mills to sponsor golf outings. Employees participated in the Lake Mills and Watertown Chamber Golf Outings along with one for Big Brother Big Sister Organization and Folds of Honor.

group of people at a booth
Spring 2022: Employees at Bank of Lake Mills held a hygiene drive to gather supplies to donate to the Lake Mills Food Pantry and the Watertown Personal Essentials of people with hygiene supplies at booth
April 2022: Bank of Lake Mills is proud to have donated to the Watertown Area YMCA to sponsor their youth sports program which includes flag football, volleyball, and basketball. Children and coaches that are involved with these sports will benefit from this donation and be supplied a t-shirt/jersey to wear on game days.
large group of people holding blanketsApril 2022: Employees and their family members got together to make tie blankets for the Watertown Humane Society and Humane Society of Jefferson County. In just a couple hours they were able to make over 75 blankets!woman holding a dog

All donation and sponsorship requests can be sent to or dropped off at either location.